The Think Tank DEA was established in 2010 as an independent initiative within the non-profit philanthropic organisation Danish Society for Education and Business (DSEB).
Approximately half of the funding for DEA’s activities is provided by DSEB, partly as an annual contribution that goes towards covering operating expenses, and partly as a variable annual contribution to the funding of specific projects that have been decided upon by DEA’s board.
In addition, DEA's work is supported by membership contributions from a growing circle of partners, that includes education institutions, private companies and interest organisations. These partner contributions account for roughly one quarter of DEA’s annual budget. Annual partnership fees vary from approximately 700 euro to 70.000, depending on the number of employees in a partner organisation.
The remaining funding for our activities is derived from donations, project and programme grants from public and private foundations, and carefully collaborative projects, commissioned projects and advisory services.
Contact for more information
Anne Sofie Bergmann
Fiolstræde 44
1171 København K